Want to write for All Black Media?

Please fill out this form to pitch our editorial team on any topic in which you think we might be interested. We consider only completed articles and do not provide guidance on ideas or proposals. Countless factors affect whether an article is suitable for publication.

Please note that we cannot respond to all pitches and you will hear from us within 1-3 weeks if your pitch is something we may be interested in running. If you do not hear from us after 3 weeks, it is safe to assume we will not be able to use your article.

Your submission must be original work that has not appeared in any other publication. All Black Media editorial team reserves the right to edit (in whole or in part) any articles received or solicited for publication (including but not limited to headline, content, and layout). We will make every effort to work with the author on these changes. Articles typically run from 300 to 400 words, but submissions of any length will be considered.

Read the following before submitting

1. Familiarize yourself with what we like to publish by spending time on the site before submitting.

2. Avoid submitting on specific topics or story angles we’ve already published. Use the search function in the navbar above to review existing content.

3. Publishing rights – read our full Author’s Rights.

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Da Mamma e Figlia a Sorelle: il Meraviglioso Rapporto tra Raffaella Fico e Pia Svelato Nel oroscopo Quale è il segno più bugiardo? Ecco la risposta